Iteox is looking for highly motivated candidates for a post-doc position associated with the TWAC project coordinated by the CNRS and funded by the Innovation Council of Europe (EIC pathfinder). The project, which started this year, aims at a major breakthrough in the search for a light, compact, very high energy gradient accelerator between radio frequency-based accelerators and laser-plasma accelerators. The objective of the project is to experimentally demonstrate energy gains in excess of 100 MeV/m with a view to industrial valorization, particularly in the health sector.
Context: The company ITEOX will be the employer of the CDD. The post-doctoral student will be hosted at the IJClab laboratory in order to conduct the experiments and benefit from both the supervision of ITEOX and of confirmed CNRS researchers at the IJClab laboratory. The post-doc will benefit from the immersion in the academic and entrepreneurial environment. In addition, the project is immersed in a European context which will lead the post-doc to carry out missions to the different partners to discuss scientific issues, and participate in experimental sessions on power lasers (University of Pecs in Hungary, PhLAM laboratory in France) and accelerators (Desy in Germany).
Duration: 24 mois +12 mois extension
Location: France > Orsay (91)
Starting date: 01/03/2023
Salary: depends on seniority and CV > 32k€
Application deadline: 16/01/2023
Interested? Applied here: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/861302